At home somewhere in this world

Just a place to talk to myself

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Such an idiot

I got into bed tonight and looked over at my nightstand where I saw the Thank You note that I wrote for the National Geographic Photo editor that I met with last Friday. The scary part is I already gave a card to the photo editor on Monday. Which means that I have no idea what I handed her. A blank card? An empty evelope? My Grandma's Birthday card? I don't know. What a great way to make a first impression. Now I get to go back to her office and say by the way here is the card I meant to give you. I'm such an idiot.... such an idiot.... such an idiot.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

I regret having made fun of workoholics in the past. Apparently I too have a better life at work than I do on my free time. I've been coming home from work at 7:00pm and going to the National Geographic Functions on the weekend making me a bonofide loser. I just straight up love what I'm doing, and there is a gym so I get to go there after my real work is done. Who wouldn't want to hang around and look at great travel pictures, and talk to global nomads. Its not all glamorous. I do have to ship packages, and enter data, but my coworkers have great shared itunes libraries to cover that. I'm so happy I decided to switch schools and majors. Photojournalism rocks.

Praise the Lord it snowed last night. I was starting to think I might leave DC without experiencing a single day of snow. But happily I awoke at 6:30 this morning trudged outside and used my arms as windshield wipers to sweep about 8 inches of snow off my car. After attending a travel writers seminar at the NG building... (I told you I live at work) I photographed the White House in the white snow. It was fun, for today. But for the sake of the flowers that started blooming early, and the leaves starting to bud on the trees maybe we should return to the balmy winter days I've been enjoying. For the sake of the plants that is.