At home somewhere in this world

Just a place to talk to myself

Monday, December 16, 2002

Ok so I just had to post twice today because IT RAINED TODAY! I'm not talking drizzle it downpoured for a good 3 hours. I didn't want to sit around the house all day so I went to the gym and ran in circles for a mile until the super glue holding my ancient sneakers together came undone. There are windows all along the track and it was hilarious watching all the suits and dresses from the office building across from me run by with with papers over their heads and scowls on their faces. It looked pretty fun outside so I decided to take of my shoes and run home in the rain. Then I decided it wouldn't be such a good idea to leave my car at the gym. Instead I drove home and then ran barefoot around my apartment building. Just when I thought I was insane I ran past the hot tub and met a kindred spirit. His name is Ivan. I remembered Ivan because he works at Krispy Kreme with my ex roomate Rachel. Last time he gave me my change and asked if I wanted my reciept I said no. So instead of throwing away my reciept he made it zoom back and forth in front of my face. It was very similar to a mom trying to get her kid to eat peas by making the spoon into an airplane. He then tried to force feed me my reciept. So I definately rememberd Ivan. Ivan was sitting in the hot tub. As the freezing rain gushed down all around us there were billows of steam rising off the surface of the water. Since I was already soaked I thought what the hell and got in too. We talked for about an hour and I watched him practice holding his breath on the bottom of the hot tub and do handstands for another hour or so. He reminds me of a grown up child. I asked him why he likes the hot tub so much and he said "I just like it in the rain becasue I like the color of the sky and the way the rain hits my face its so beautiful." Coming from anyone but Ivan that would have been the biggest bullshit line I ever heard. But the grin on his face the entire time he was playing like a five year old in the rain made it very apparent that he was genuine. I can honestly say I have never met anyone so simple, content, or hopeful as Ivan. Joy is contagious. Go play in the rain.


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